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We need your help in these days of cancelling, rescheduling and blown out waitlists.

Doctors strive for good care but with appointments which minimise up-close, face to face exposures.

When meeting with your dermatologist help them assess your skin more effectively.

Feel free to bring rash or lesion photos, your list of concerns and let your partner circle that changed lesion on your back they are worried about.

Bring your medication and allergies list if the names are hard to recall. Photograph those creams.

Come make-up free if you need a facial examination. At most keep this light and try to remove before your appointment. Caked thick make-up is super difficult to remove, means longer face to face exposure and is a barrier to good view of the skin.  Sunscreens and lighter moisturisers are fine, only avoid in areas where procedures are planned that might require a well-fixed dressing.

Wear easily removed jewellery and watches but better leave them safe at home. 

While fewer people in a clinic is safer for Covid risk it can be very helpful to have a caregiver present for people needing assistance, check with your clinic if not sure.  At the same time bringing your delightful 2-year-old twins to your skin check isn’t fun for them and won’t help in diagnosis of a subtle skin cancer or your recall of care advice.