Make sure your Skin Specialist is a Dermatologist. Check on the medical register of the Medical Council of New Zealand. Remember that only NZDSI dermatologists can use the unique logo.

A dermatologist is the medical expert you should consult if you have any significant problem with your skin. Dermatology is the science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin, hair and nails.
The NZ Dermatological Society Inc.'s definition is comprehensive:
Dermatology involves but is not limited to study, research, and diagnosis of normal and disorders, diseases, cancers, cosmetic and ageing conditions of the skin, fat, hair, nails and oral and genital membranes, and the management of these by different investigations and therapies, including but not limited to dermatohistopathology, topical and systemic medications, dermatologic surgery and dermatologic cosmetic surgery, immunotherapy, phototherapy, laser therapy, radiotherapy and photodynamic therapy.
How many people get skin disease?
The skin is the largest and most visible organ of the body. It reflects the health of the body and acts as a barrier against injury and bacteria. Unfortunately, at one time or another, nearly everyone has some type of skin disease - infants, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. One in six (15%) of all visits to the family doctor (GP) involves a skin problem.
What are the most common skin disorders?
Common skin diseases include
- Skin cancer
- Warts
- Fungal infections
- Dermatitis
- Psoriasis - a skin disorder which affects 100,000 New Zealanders.
- Acne affects every teenager to one degree or another.
- Hand dermatitis, resulting from external contact with detergents and household chemicals, affects most women with young families.
- One in six of all children develop atopic eczema
- One in five persons suffers from cold sores (herpes simplex).
How are dermatologists trained?
Dermatologists are medical doctors. In New Zealand, after completing six years of medical school the dermatologist-to-be must complete a general medical training programme which usually takes 3 to 4 years. After a rigorous examination (FRACP) he or she is then eligible to enter advanced training.
The advanced training in dermatology involves at least a further four years of intensive study, research and practice in a variety of approved training centres in New Zealand and overseas. The position is usually that of a registrar or training fellow who is closely supervised by experienced dermatologists.
In total, a dermatologist has a minimum of 13 years of training.
How many dermatologists are there?
In New Zealand today, there are more than 70 practising dermatologists, of whom most are members of the NZDS, the New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated, the organisation which oversees professional standards. Members of the Society are Vocationally Registered as Specialists by the Medical Council of New Zealand.
Is there on-going training?
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) helps to keep dermatologists up to date and is a requirement for registration by the Medical Council of New Zealand. The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) oversees a CPD certification programme. This is accomplished through special courses, participation in symposia, lectures and seminars organised by the NZ Dermatological Society Inc., and other Dermatological Societies overseas.
What do dermatologists do?
Trained dermatologists usually combine several activities - seeing patients in public hospital clinics and/or in private practices, acting as consultants to other specialists, teaching, and delving into clinical or basic research.
Dermatologists must have expertise in basic sciences including microbiology, pathology, biochemistry, physics, physiology, and endocrinology. They must be familiar with all the other medical specialities because of their consultant work and because skin diseases are often associated with internal conditions.
Dermatologists perform skin surgery in many situations:
- To prevent or provide early control of disease, eg remove skin cancer.
- To improve the skin's appearance by removing growths, discolourations, or damage caused by ageing, sunlight or disease.
- To establish a definite diagnosis (biopsy).
Is the work of dermatologists changing?
Dermatology is constantly adapting itself to meet the changing medical challenges of our society. New drugs may cause unusual side-effects; pesticides, industrial compounds and cosmetics continually pose new dermatological problems. More leisure time and outdoor work has increased the exposure to the sun and other hazards which can cause skin disease.
Arrange to see a dermatologist as soon as possible when symptoms of skin disease appear, or when current therapy is ineffective. Expert diagnosis, rapid cure, or good management means decreased cost and less suffering.
How to get an appointment with a dermatologist ?
To find your nearest dermatologist, click here. Patients are only seen by appointment. Some dermatologists prefer that you are referred by your general practitioner but many will see you by self referral. Please ring to find your local dermatologist's requirements.